Friday, October 21, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
How To Deal With Police Officers
How To Deal With Police Officers - Magic Words?
Author Unknown
When dealing with the police, keep your hands in view and don't make sudden movements. Avoid passing behind them. Nervous cops are dangerous cops. Also, never touch the police or their equipment (vehicles, flashlights, animals, etc.) - you can get beat up and charged with assault.
The police do not decide your charges; they can only make recommendations. The prosecutor is the only person who can actually charge you. Remember this the next time the cops start rattling off all the charges they're supposedly "going to give you."
Interrogation isn't always bright lights and rubber hoses - usually it's just a conversation. Whenever the cops ask you anything besides your name and address, it's legally safest to (respectfully) say these Magic Words:
"I am going to remain silent. I want to see a lawyer."
This invokes the rights which protect you from interrogation. When you say this, the cops (and all other law enforcement officials) are legally required to stop asking you questions. They probably won't stop, so just repeat the Magic Words or remain silent until they catch on.
Remember, anything you say to the authorities can and will be used against you and your friends in court. There's no way to predict what information the police might try to use or how they'd use it. Plus, the police often misquote or lie altogether about what was said. So say only the Magic Words and let all the cops and witnesses know that this is your policy. Make sure that when you're arrested with other people, the rest of the group knows the Magic Words and promises to use them.
One of the jobs of cops is to get information out of people, and they usually don't have any scruples about how they do it. Cops are legally allowed to lie when they're investigating, and they are trained to be manipulative. The only thing you should say to cops, other than identifying yourself, is the Magic Words: "I am going to remain silent. I want to see a lawyer."
Here are some lies they will tell you:
"You're not a suspect - just help us understand what happened here and then you can go."
"If you don't answer my questions, I'll have no choice but to arrest you. Do you want to go to jail?"
"If you don't answer my questions, I'm going to charge you with resisting arrest."
"All of your friends have cooperated and we let them go home. You're the only one left."
Cops are sneaky buggers and there are lots of ways they can trick you into talking. Here are some scams they'll pull:
Good Cop / Bad Cop: Bad cop is aggressive and menacing; while good cop is nice, friendly, and familiar (usually good cop is the same race and gender as you). The idea is bad cop scares you so bad you are desperately looking for a friend. Good cop is that friend.
The cops will tell you that your friends ratted on you so that you will snitch on them. Meanwhile, they tell your friends the same thing. If anyone breaks and talks, you all go down.
The cops will tell you that they have all the evidence they need to convict you and that if you "take responsibility" and confess the judge will be impressed by your honesty and go easy on you. What they really mean is: "we don't have enough evidence yet, please confess."
Jail is a very isolating and intimidating place. It is really easy to believe what the cops tell you. Insist upon speaking with a lawyer before you answer any questions or sign anything.
The Golden Rule: [and it is sad to say,] Never trust a cop.
The Miranda Warnings
The police do not have to read you your rights (also known as the Miranda warnings). Miranda applies when there is (a) an interrogation (b) by a police officer or other agent of law enforcement (c) while the suspect is in police custody (you do not have to be formally arrested to be "in custody"). Even when all these conditions are met, the police intentionally violate Miranda.
And though your rights have been violated, what you say can be used against you. For this reason, it is better not to wait for the cops " you know what your rights are, so you can invoke them by saying the Magic Words, "I am going to remain silent. I want to see a lawyer."
If you've been arrested and realize that you have started answering questions, don't panic. Just re-invoke your rights by saying the Magic Words again. Don't let them trick you into thinking that because you answered some of their questions, you have to answer all of them..
Police Encounters
There are three basic types of encounters with the police: Conversation, Detention, and Arrest.
When the cops are trying to get information, but don't have enough evidence to detain or arrest you, they'll try to weasel some information out of you. They may call this a "casual encounter" or a "friendly conversation". If you talk to them, you may give them the information they need to arrest you or your friends. In most situations, it's better and safer not to talk to cops.
Police can detain you only if they have reasonable suspicion (see below) that you are involved in a crime. Detention means that, though you aren't arrested, you can't leave. Detention is supposed to last a short time and they aren't supposed to move you. During detention, the police can pat you down and go into your bag to make sure you don't have any weapons. They aren't supposed to go into your pockets unless they feel a weapon.
If the police are asking questions, ask if you are being detained. If not, leave and say nothing else to them. If you are being detained, you may want to ask why. Then you should say the Magic Words: "I am going to remain silent. I want a lawyer" and nothing else.
A detention can easily turn into arrest. If the police are detaining you and they get information that you are involved in a crime, they will arrest you, even if it has nothing to do with your detention. For example, if someone gets pulled over for speeding (detained) and the cop sees drugs in the car, the cops will arrest her for possession of the drugs even though it has nothing to do with her getting pulled over. Cops have two reasons to detain you: 1) they are writing you a citation (a traffic ticket, for example), or 2) they want to arrest you but they don't have enough information yet to do so.
Police can arrest you only if they have probable cause (see below) that you are involved in a crime. When you are arrested, the cops can search you to the skin and go through you car and any belongings. By law, an officer strip searching you must be the same gender as you.
If the police come to your door with an arrest warrant, go outside and lock the door behind you. Cops are allowed to search any room you go into, so don't go back into the house for any reason. If they have an arrest warrant, hiding won't help because they are allowed to force their way in if they know you are there. It's usually better to just go with them without giving them an opportunity to search.
Reasonable Suspicion vs. Probable Cause
Reasonable suspicion must be based on more than a hunch - cops must be able to put their suspicion into words. For example, cops can't just stop someone and say, "She looked like she was up to something." They need to be more specific, like, "She was standing under the overpass staring up at some graffiti that hadn't been there 2 hours ago. She had the same graffiti pattern written on her backpack. I suspected that she had put up the graffiti."
Cops need more proof to say they have a probable cause than to say they have a reasonable suspicion. For example, "A store owner called to report someone matching her description tagging a wall across the street. As I drove up to the store, I saw her running away spattered with paint and carrying a spray can in her hand."
Never consent to a search! If the police try to search your house, car, backpack, pockets, etc. say the Magic Words 2: "I do not consent to this search." This may not stop them from forcing their way in and searching anyway, but if they search you illegally, they probably won't be able to use the evidence against you in court. You have nothing to lose from refusing to consent to a search and lots to gain. Do not physically resist cops when they are trying to search because you could get hurt and charged with resisting arrest or assault. Just keep repeating the Magic Words 2 so that the cops and all witnesses know that this is your policy.
Be careful about casual consent. That is, if you are stopped by the cops and you get out of the car but don't close the door, they can search the car and claim that they thought you were indicating consent by leaving the door ajar. Also, if you say, "I'd rather you didn't search," they can claim that you were reluctantly giving them permission to search.. Always just say the Magic Words 2: "I do not consent to this search."
If the cops have a search warrant, nothing changes - it's legally safest to just say the Magic Words 2. Again, you have nothing to lose from refusing to consent to a search, and lots to gain if the search warrant is incorrect or invalid in some way. If they do have a search warrant, ask to read it. A valid warrant must have a recent date (usually not more than a couple of weeks), the correct address, and a judge's or magistrate's signature; some warrants indicate the time of day the cops can search. You should say the Magic Words 2 whether or not the search warrant appears correct. The same goes for any government official who tries to search you, your belongings, or your house.
Infiltrators and Informants
Undercover cops sometimes infiltrate political organizations. They can lie about being cops even if asked directly. Undercover cops can even break the law (narcs get hazard pay for doing drugs as part of their cover) and encourage others to do so as well. This is not legally entrapment.
FBI and other government agents
The essence of the Magic Words "I'm keeping my mouth shut until I talk to a lawyer" not only applies to police but also to the FBI, INS, CIA, even IRS. If you want to be nice and polite, tell them that you don't wish to speak with them until you've spoken with your lawyer, or that you won't answer questions without a lawyer present. If you are being investigated as a result of your political activity, you can call the National Lawyers Guild at (415) 582-1055; they will help you find a lawyer you can talk to.
Taking Notes
Whenever you interact with or observe the police, always write down what is said and who said it. Write down the cops' names and badge numbers and the names and contact information of any witnesses. Record everything that happens. If you are expecting a lot of police contact, get in the habit of carrying a small tape recorder and a camera with you. Be careful - cops don't like people taking notes, especially if the cops are planning on doing something illegal.
How To Deal With Police Officers - Magic Words?
Author Unknown
When dealing with the police, keep your hands in view and don't make sudden movements. Avoid passing behind them. Nervous cops are dangerous cops. Also, never touch the police or their equipment (vehicles, flashlights, animals, etc.) - you can get beat up and charged with assault.
The police do not decide your charges; they can only make recommendations. The prosecutor is the only person who can actually charge you. Remember this the next time the cops start rattling off all the charges they're supposedly "going to give you."
Interrogation isn't always bright lights and rubber hoses - usually it's just a conversation. Whenever the cops ask you anything besides your name and address, it's legally safest to (respectfully) say these Magic Words:
"I am going to remain silent. I want to see a lawyer."
This invokes the rights which protect you from interrogation. When you say this, the cops (and all other law enforcement officials) are legally required to stop asking you questions. They probably won't stop, so just repeat the Magic Words or remain silent until they catch on.
Remember, anything you say to the authorities can and will be used against you and your friends in court. There's no way to predict what information the police might try to use or how they'd use it. Plus, the police often misquote or lie altogether about what was said. So say only the Magic Words and let all the cops and witnesses know that this is your policy. Make sure that when you're arrested with other people, the rest of the group knows the Magic Words and promises to use them.
One of the jobs of cops is to get information out of people, and they usually don't have any scruples about how they do it. Cops are legally allowed to lie when they're investigating, and they are trained to be manipulative. The only thing you should say to cops, other than identifying yourself, is the Magic Words: "I am going to remain silent. I want to see a lawyer."
Here are some lies they will tell you:
"You're not a suspect - just help us understand what happened here and then you can go."
"If you don't answer my questions, I'll have no choice but to arrest you. Do you want to go to jail?"
"If you don't answer my questions, I'm going to charge you with resisting arrest."
"All of your friends have cooperated and we let them go home. You're the only one left."
Cops are sneaky buggers and there are lots of ways they can trick you into talking. Here are some scams they'll pull:
Good Cop / Bad Cop: Bad cop is aggressive and menacing; while good cop is nice, friendly, and familiar (usually good cop is the same race and gender as you). The idea is bad cop scares you so bad you are desperately looking for a friend. Good cop is that friend.
The cops will tell you that your friends ratted on you so that you will snitch on them. Meanwhile, they tell your friends the same thing. If anyone breaks and talks, you all go down.
The cops will tell you that they have all the evidence they need to convict you and that if you "take responsibility" and confess the judge will be impressed by your honesty and go easy on you. What they really mean is: "we don't have enough evidence yet, please confess."
Jail is a very isolating and intimidating place. It is really easy to believe what the cops tell you. Insist upon speaking with a lawyer before you answer any questions or sign anything.
The Golden Rule: [and it is sad to say,] Never trust a cop.
The Miranda Warnings
The police do not have to read you your rights (also known as the Miranda warnings). Miranda applies when there is (a) an interrogation (b) by a police officer or other agent of law enforcement (c) while the suspect is in police custody (you do not have to be formally arrested to be "in custody"). Even when all these conditions are met, the police intentionally violate Miranda.
And though your rights have been violated, what you say can be used against you. For this reason, it is better not to wait for the cops " you know what your rights are, so you can invoke them by saying the Magic Words, "I am going to remain silent. I want to see a lawyer."
If you've been arrested and realize that you have started answering questions, don't panic. Just re-invoke your rights by saying the Magic Words again. Don't let them trick you into thinking that because you answered some of their questions, you have to answer all of them..
Police Encounters
There are three basic types of encounters with the police: Conversation, Detention, and Arrest.
When the cops are trying to get information, but don't have enough evidence to detain or arrest you, they'll try to weasel some information out of you. They may call this a "casual encounter" or a "friendly conversation". If you talk to them, you may give them the information they need to arrest you or your friends. In most situations, it's better and safer not to talk to cops.
Police can detain you only if they have reasonable suspicion (see below) that you are involved in a crime. Detention means that, though you aren't arrested, you can't leave. Detention is supposed to last a short time and they aren't supposed to move you. During detention, the police can pat you down and go into your bag to make sure you don't have any weapons. They aren't supposed to go into your pockets unless they feel a weapon.
If the police are asking questions, ask if you are being detained. If not, leave and say nothing else to them. If you are being detained, you may want to ask why. Then you should say the Magic Words: "I am going to remain silent. I want a lawyer" and nothing else.
A detention can easily turn into arrest. If the police are detaining you and they get information that you are involved in a crime, they will arrest you, even if it has nothing to do with your detention. For example, if someone gets pulled over for speeding (detained) and the cop sees drugs in the car, the cops will arrest her for possession of the drugs even though it has nothing to do with her getting pulled over. Cops have two reasons to detain you: 1) they are writing you a citation (a traffic ticket, for example), or 2) they want to arrest you but they don't have enough information yet to do so.
Police can arrest you only if they have probable cause (see below) that you are involved in a crime. When you are arrested, the cops can search you to the skin and go through you car and any belongings. By law, an officer strip searching you must be the same gender as you.
If the police come to your door with an arrest warrant, go outside and lock the door behind you. Cops are allowed to search any room you go into, so don't go back into the house for any reason. If they have an arrest warrant, hiding won't help because they are allowed to force their way in if they know you are there. It's usually better to just go with them without giving them an opportunity to search.
Reasonable Suspicion vs. Probable Cause
Reasonable suspicion must be based on more than a hunch - cops must be able to put their suspicion into words. For example, cops can't just stop someone and say, "She looked like she was up to something." They need to be more specific, like, "She was standing under the overpass staring up at some graffiti that hadn't been there 2 hours ago. She had the same graffiti pattern written on her backpack. I suspected that she had put up the graffiti."
Cops need more proof to say they have a probable cause than to say they have a reasonable suspicion. For example, "A store owner called to report someone matching her description tagging a wall across the street. As I drove up to the store, I saw her running away spattered with paint and carrying a spray can in her hand."
Never consent to a search! If the police try to search your house, car, backpack, pockets, etc. say the Magic Words 2: "I do not consent to this search." This may not stop them from forcing their way in and searching anyway, but if they search you illegally, they probably won't be able to use the evidence against you in court. You have nothing to lose from refusing to consent to a search and lots to gain. Do not physically resist cops when they are trying to search because you could get hurt and charged with resisting arrest or assault. Just keep repeating the Magic Words 2 so that the cops and all witnesses know that this is your policy.
Be careful about casual consent. That is, if you are stopped by the cops and you get out of the car but don't close the door, they can search the car and claim that they thought you were indicating consent by leaving the door ajar. Also, if you say, "I'd rather you didn't search," they can claim that you were reluctantly giving them permission to search.. Always just say the Magic Words 2: "I do not consent to this search."
If the cops have a search warrant, nothing changes - it's legally safest to just say the Magic Words 2. Again, you have nothing to lose from refusing to consent to a search, and lots to gain if the search warrant is incorrect or invalid in some way. If they do have a search warrant, ask to read it. A valid warrant must have a recent date (usually not more than a couple of weeks), the correct address, and a judge's or magistrate's signature; some warrants indicate the time of day the cops can search. You should say the Magic Words 2 whether or not the search warrant appears correct. The same goes for any government official who tries to search you, your belongings, or your house.
Infiltrators and Informants
Undercover cops sometimes infiltrate political organizations. They can lie about being cops even if asked directly. Undercover cops can even break the law (narcs get hazard pay for doing drugs as part of their cover) and encourage others to do so as well. This is not legally entrapment.
FBI and other government agents
The essence of the Magic Words "I'm keeping my mouth shut until I talk to a lawyer" not only applies to police but also to the FBI, INS, CIA, even IRS. If you want to be nice and polite, tell them that you don't wish to speak with them until you've spoken with your lawyer, or that you won't answer questions without a lawyer present. If you are being investigated as a result of your political activity, you can call the National Lawyers Guild at (415) 582-1055; they will help you find a lawyer you can talk to.
Taking Notes
Whenever you interact with or observe the police, always write down what is said and who said it. Write down the cops' names and badge numbers and the names and contact information of any witnesses. Record everything that happens. If you are expecting a lot of police contact, get in the habit of carrying a small tape recorder and a camera with you. Be careful - cops don't like people taking notes, especially if the cops are planning on doing something illegal.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Boule-"advisor's to the king",
As we come into knowledge of self, we must, as well, come into knowledge of who doesn't want us to "know thyself". The average Afrikan who has some knowledge of white supremacy might feel it's been, and only been, the "blue-eyed devil" that is responsible. True, but not truth. If you read the piece I wrote entitled, IZ YT Human? or Mutant!, I spoke of the biblical bruthas, abraham and moses, as one of the first sell-outs of the Afrikan spirit.
As you well know, this country was founded by criminals who colonized this area just as they chalked up Afrika in the 1800s. As we had our plantations in the south with house negroes and field Afrikans, we find that this trend has never changed as the years have gone by. Thanks to research done by brutha Steve Cokely, we have found that there is a black secret society that has been closely associated with maintaining the grip of white supremacy on people of color. These same secret societies, these house negroes answer to, have a long history rooted in the physical and mental enslavement of Afrikans around the globe. This black "secret society" is called the Boule' aka. Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated, founded May 15, 1904 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This is the 1st black fraternity in america and was before the 1st black "college" frat, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated which was founded December 4, 1906.
The Boule' is a black GREEK secret society based on another secret society founded at Yale University called Skull & Bones. The Boule's primary founder was Dr. Henry Minton (along with Dr.'s Eugene T. Henson, Edwin Clarence Howard, Algernon Brashear Jackson, Robert Jones Abele and Richard John Warrick), of Philadelphia. The founding member of the New York City chapter, WEB DuBois, said the Boule' was created to "keep the black professional away from the ranks of Marcus Garvey." (One thing that needs to be pointed out is the time period. At the founding of the Boule', it was also a time Marcus Garvey's "Back to Afrika" movement was reaching a million plus people without tv or radio.). DuBois emphasized, as Cokely stated, "the importance to steal the black professional away from Garvey because an Afrocentric organization that articulated and captured the black professional would give YT no safe haven in the black community, so the Boule' -- the remaking of the house negro was necessary to build a group of negroes who had an investment in protecting the white system as produced by YT having stolen this land...This is post reconstruction. Taking away the articulate negro, now desiring to replace them with organized institutions to keep them away from self improvement. So we find in the same period, as the founding of the Boule', the founding of the 4 black male (Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, and Phi Beta Sigma) and 4 black female (Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta, and Sigma Gamma Rho) college-based fraternities and sororities...We also find the founding of the NAACP and Urban League."
DuBois was one of the strongest opponents of Garvey and was an instrumental "tool" in stopping one of the strongest grassroots movements in this century. What was Garvey's plan? His plan was to take as many Afrikans from the america's and start a settlement in the nation of Liberia and then help their new nation produce and control their own rubber crops and other industries in natural resources. Garvey said, "If the oil of Afrika is good for Rockefeller's interest; if iron is good for Carnegie trust; then these minerals are good for us. Why should we allow wall street and the capitalist group of america and other countries exploit our country when they refuse to give us a fair chance in the countries of our adoption? Why should not Afrika give to the world its black Rockefeller, Rothschild, and Henry Ford?" This would've meant no Goodyear or US. Steel as we know it today, because it would have set a precedent that would have made all Afrikans aware of their land and mineral wealth. This would've smashed the financial arm of white supremacy! DuBois, along with Alain Locke -- the first black (Cecil) Rhodes scholar -- publicly defiled Garvey by calling him a "gorilla, dark, and dumb ass" any chance they got. Locke was quoted as saying, "We hope the white man deliver's cause we crushed a great black thing, but we know he'll deliver or our people will attack and plague us forever more." These two house negroes made a bet that YT would come out on top and give a certain percentage of these greedy negroes, namely Boule' members, the wealth they stole from Afrika. What's deep is they didn't believe in Afrikan self-reliance and preferred YT to give them table scraps instead of us making the whole pie!
Understand the Boule' represents the weakest element of Afrikan people. As Cokely put's it, "It took a type of nigger to form an organization like this. I mean, we just got our asses kicked during reconstruction, Afrika was divided before our very eyes (berlin conference), damn, this was 50 years before Rosa Parks!" The question is why were these black devils like this? The answer may lie in the fact that the Boule' is a GREEK organization. The name Boule' is a greek term, meaning "advisor's to the king". The question is, who is the king?! The king that they advise, or protect, are the white secret societies responsible for white supremacy: the first white greek fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa, the Illuminati, Rhodes/Rothschild secret society, Skull & Bones, the Masons, the Round Table Group, The New World Order, One World Government, the Carnegie, Mellon, Rhodes, Milner's Kindergarten, The Rhodes Crown, Times Crown, All Souls Group, Clevedine Sect, and numerous other wealthy family organizations (all are simply alias' and go by many names, but consist of same members and ideology). These white beasts have raped, murdered & colonized our people for hundreds of years and their children continue the genocide against people of color around the globe.
One of the problems we should have with the Boule' (and the offsprings of the Boule', the other 8 college frats and sororities) is that they falsely acknowledge the GREEKS as the founders of civilization. We of course know this is a lie. We know that the greeks got their knowledge from the Nile Valley (ancient Kemet and Ethiopia -- where the original Afrikan man and woman evolved), and they plagiarized (after killing us off and raping KMT, deemed themselves as the originators of the knowledge we gave them) our history and sought to erase the Afrikan presence of KMT. We know that Pythagoras did not create a theorem, but that he stole it from our ancient Afrikan mystery schools.
Who is the Boule'? They are the so-called "talented 10th" DuBois is famous for speaking of (it must also be noted that DuBois' boy, Locke, was a faggot. DuBois was also perceived to have homosexual tendencies). They are a mutation of a white man that seeks to represent something he is not (GREEK). They are "prominent" blacks white america gave to us. Collectively, all 4000+ members make up the wealthiest group of black men on the planet. -- and to think, none are working in the interest of black people; but, rather, gets a kick out of holding YT's penis as he pisses on people of color (the house nigga/field Afrikan theory ain't dead!)! As of 1994, there were 101 chapters in the world; yes the Boule' is in your town! Anywhere there are professional blacks, the Boule' coagulates. The amount of these men's wealth (including strong political and economic connections -- strong enuff to assist in killing Malcolm X and fellow Boule' member Martin Luther King!) cannot be matched by any other 3300+ blacks anywhere in the world!
Boule', again, meaning "advisor's to the king", is the lower house of greek parliament. Inside the Boule' history book -- written by Charles H. Wesley, a Boule' member, (also wrote the history books for Alpha Phi Alpha, the Elks, and Prince Hall Masons and founded Central State University in Ohio) wrote on page 28, why one of it's founding member's, Minton, who also owned the first black drugstore in the u.s., wanted to create such an organization:"Minton wanted to create an organization which would partake in the tenants (basis, or root) of Skull & Bones at Yale." Now who is Skull & Bones?? Skull & Bones' -- aka Brotherhood of Death, alias the 2nd chapter of the Illuminati, incorporated for business purposes as Russell Trust, was established in 1776 at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. Ironically, george bush and even vice president al gore are members of this cult. Now remember, the beast uses many different names to confuse you, but they all were based in the same ideology...upholding white supremacy. Most politicians, both black and white, are Masons. But there is a difference. Non-whites can only attain 33 degreez; and whites get 33 and 1/3rd. The root of Masonry is of the knowledge (33 1/3 degreez) sell-out moses gave YT when he came to "civilize" them from living as beasts up in the caucus(asian) mountains. They practiced homosexuality and killed and ate people, as rituals they may perform even today! They also pledged (through moses tricknology) in not letting you, the true GOD, the Afrikan wo/man, to never know that Jacob (Yakub), who was black, made them and that we are the originators of the arts and sciences (360 degreez of knowledge, not 33 1/3 which moses taught them).
Now! If Henry Minton, who was black, wanted to create a black secret society based on these beliefs and customs, what type of devil is he? If you were to look on page 38 of the Boule's history book, it also says,"In the building of the organizations plan, reliance was placed upon GREEK history and tradition. The reasons of this action are not difficult to discover, for it is well known that the study of greek civilization was basically an acquaintance with western civilization, although greek culture had relationships with the culture of the orient." What they're not saying is that the greeks didn't have a relationship, they stole their information from our ancestors in KMT! Clever how they chose not to even mention Afrika and settled for saying the "orient" which means east. In summation, every black greek and white greek fraternity and sorority manipulates the true history of where the Greeks learned what they know. This is why it don't make sense to be called a black GREEK! I should know, I pledged one, but have since denounced my membership with black greek organizations.
If you are familiar with Masonry, or secret societies, members took a pledge to never reveal the secrets of that organization, for if he did, his punishment would be death. This is why we it's difficult to get any of the Boule' member's to tell us what's up. Thanx, to an article written July 18th, 1990 of the LA Times and one published in the ,Washington Post, November 23, 1991, this secret society was exposed. Because people are beginning to find out about the history of the Boule', as well as their own \children lacking interest in continuing the mental and spiritual rape of Afrikan people, the Boule' publicly claims themselves as only a "social" organization. Fellow Boule' member -- and so-called, Afrocentric scholar -- whom I have the honor of exposing, asa hilliard, was confronted in Pittsburgh about his affiliation with the Boule' and he said,"we're just a group of people that throw banquets and picnics". This, from a negro who has written many books, performed countless lectures, and whose name has been mentioned in the same breath as John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Ben, and the like, should be exiled from the Afrikan diaspora like we did to the paleman back in KMT(IZ YT Human? or Mutant! - DGT Jan/Feb.'96) !!
Even Hank Aaron is in the Boule'!
They hold regional conferences every year and a national conference every 2 years. Each May, as a mandatory ritual, each member must read the Boule' history book from front to cover. So we know that each member has read pages 28 and 38 and know of the basis of their organization and it's false acceptance of the greeks being the founder's of civilization. What was interesting about the LA Times article was the association of the Boule' with Skull & Bones. "Like Yale's Skull & Bones secret society to which (then president) George Bush belongs, the Boule' has been criticized by some as a social anachronism, and has challenged members to change its image."
The 1990 incoming Boule' president, dr. benjamin major said he was aware of charges that the group is more interested in socializing and congratulating itself on its wealth and success, exclusively, rather than making a substantial contribution to the rest of black america. He said, "We don't want to appear as if we were the remaining above the problems of most black people. We know we didn't get here solely by the dint of our own hard work. We owe a lot of people, AND we have to give back to our brothers and sisters." The key thing he said is that he said they owe a lot of people and made this separate from them having to "give back to our brothers and sisters." Who do they owe for their success?? It's who they advise...the king!
Vernon Jordan, Clinton's main man(boy)!
Boule' member Vernon Jordan, who is also on the Trilateral Commission and Board of Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) -- which was started by cecil rhodes and lord rothschild, responsible for last phase of development of white supremacy) was quoted at a Boule' function as saying, "We, the talented 10th, are the best able and the only ones suitable to save the black race." This is the egotistical mentality of all members and can be traced back to its origin.
Understand that all black "leaders" white america gave us, actually had an allegiance with white supremacy. If you think about it, back in the early 1900s, we weren't even 40 years out of slavery. So the house negro/field Afrikan mentality was still in existence. Most Afrikans, of that time, had gone through much self-denial. The old cliche', "If you black, get back; if you brown, stick around; if you yellow, you're mellow; and if you white, you i-ight or right!", was rampant and most of our ancestors lost themselves through bleaching their skin, conking their hair, and speaking "civilized" in order to be seen different than a field niggah. We must also realize that most of our co-founders of black organization's were mulatto's (very light-skinned). These house negroes had already felt they were better than dark-skinned blacks. And went out of their way to prove to YT they were different. Because we were now "free", YT still needed to keep an eye on us. They needed an overseer. This is why around the same time as the founding of the Boule', we find the founding of the NAACP and the Urban League. These "black" organizations were co-founded by jewish spies who used DuBois as their scapegoat!! One must also note that NAACP co-founder, Joel Spingarn, a known beast who spied on the Afrikan community, was also very influential in the finding of the Boule'. A lot of us don't know this. These organizations were really a front. They were s'posed to defend the countless atrocities against black people; on the contrary, we found out the very whites we were complaining about, actually help find these organizations!! This makes a lot of sense now. I see why the NAACP doesn't even own the building national headquarters of located at. Think about it. With all the loot the NAACP gets annually, and they still have to pay rent for their building?! That's because they have to answer to someone (YT) who is their major fund raiser. While we were being lynched, raped, and murdered by YT, we thought these organizations would help us fight for justice; later to find out the person our "leaders" answer to is the very one with blood on his hands!! Can you see why we are in the shape we're in today Afrikans?! It is very evident. In the words of Cokely, "When we look at the Boule' closely, we find a confusion of values. Black men who felt that their advancement was edged upon a positive relationship with wealthy and influential white people. And I say that that may have an adverse impact on our revolution. Therefore, we give them (the Boule') today, this official warning...Our goal is not to kill off the Boule'; but to warn them as an organization. To warn the individual that if they bring false values, or worship a false idol, into the community at a time the community attempts to self-determinate (liberate ourselves), if we gave the call, they will come and grab you, we have every one of your addresses and phone numbers, we can get you, if we choose to. But we only choose to ask you to step aside and the day we got to get "massa", you find some way to be on vacation...To kill off the Boule' would be like eating the peel off a banana and ignoring the actual banana." In other words, in order to stop the puppet, you must stop the puppetteer.
We have a copy of the Boule' membership book and found some very interesting names. Along with the name's and chapter's, we have their address' and phone numbers. Out of the list we found members such as, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams - performed 1st open hear surgery; Ralph Bunch - former UN Ambassador; Arthur Ashe; Urban League President, Whitney Young; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Benjamin Mays; Carter G. Woodson (all who died never speaking of the Boule' and therefore taking the secrets of white supremacy with them); Maynard Jackson - ex-mayor of Atlanta; Baseball great Hank Aaron; Tom Bradley - tv personality; Dennis Archor - mayor of Detroit; Elvin Big 'E' Hayes; Bill Cosby; Jesse Jackson; Earl Graves; John H. Johnson; Douglass Wilder; ex-Steeler, Lynn Swann, and David Dinkins - ex-mayor of New York City, to name a few. Most Boule' members are of the "successful" group. As Cokely puts it, "Yes the Boule' is in your town!" Anywhere there are "prominent" professional blacks, chances are they're in the Boule'. Brutha Cokely is the God that should be given biggup's to. His tireless dedication and research has allowed the masses of Afrikan people to know the truth of which the Boule' has pledged to never let you know. We have the roster up to 1994 which includes 101 chapterz. It is now 1998, we haven't yet gotten the latest roster, but I'm sure thre are quite a few more. Next piece, we will elaborate on the symbolism behind their logo, their colors, the origin of college fraternities and sororities and the close relation to demonic masonry. Continue to seek knowledge and we shall find. LIK SHOT!!
ABOUT THE BOULE'..."Collectively, all 4000+ members make up the wealthiest group of black men on the planet -- and to think, none are working in the interest of Afrikan people; but, rather, gets a kick out of holding YTs penis as he pisses on people of color... M'BWEBE AJA ASHANGHI
As we come into knowledge of self, we must, as well, come into knowledge of who doesn't want us to "know thyself". The average Afrikan who has some knowledge of white supremacy might feel it's been, and only been, the "blue-eyed devil" that is responsible. True, but not truth. If you read the piece I wrote entitled, IZ YT Human? or Mutant!, I spoke of the biblical bruthas, abraham and moses, as one of the first sell-outs of the Afrikan spirit.
As you well know, this country was founded by criminals who colonized this area just as they chalked up Afrika in the 1800s. As we had our plantations in the south with house negroes and field Afrikans, we find that this trend has never changed as the years have gone by. Thanks to research done by brutha Steve Cokely, we have found that there is a black secret society that has been closely associated with maintaining the grip of white supremacy on people of color. These same secret societies, these house negroes answer to, have a long history rooted in the physical and mental enslavement of Afrikans around the globe. This black "secret society" is called the Boule' aka. Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated, founded May 15, 1904 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This is the 1st black fraternity in america and was before the 1st black "college" frat, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated which was founded December 4, 1906.
The Boule' is a black GREEK secret society based on another secret society founded at Yale University called Skull & Bones. The Boule's primary founder was Dr. Henry Minton (along with Dr.'s Eugene T. Henson, Edwin Clarence Howard, Algernon Brashear Jackson, Robert Jones Abele and Richard John Warrick), of Philadelphia. The founding member of the New York City chapter, WEB DuBois, said the Boule' was created to "keep the black professional away from the ranks of Marcus Garvey." (One thing that needs to be pointed out is the time period. At the founding of the Boule', it was also a time Marcus Garvey's "Back to Afrika" movement was reaching a million plus people without tv or radio.). DuBois emphasized, as Cokely stated, "the importance to steal the black professional away from Garvey because an Afrocentric organization that articulated and captured the black professional would give YT no safe haven in the black community, so the Boule' -- the remaking of the house negro was necessary to build a group of negroes who had an investment in protecting the white system as produced by YT having stolen this land...This is post reconstruction. Taking away the articulate negro, now desiring to replace them with organized institutions to keep them away from self improvement. So we find in the same period, as the founding of the Boule', the founding of the 4 black male (Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, and Phi Beta Sigma) and 4 black female (Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta, and Sigma Gamma Rho) college-based fraternities and sororities...We also find the founding of the NAACP and Urban League."
DuBois was one of the strongest opponents of Garvey and was an instrumental "tool" in stopping one of the strongest grassroots movements in this century. What was Garvey's plan? His plan was to take as many Afrikans from the america's and start a settlement in the nation of Liberia and then help their new nation produce and control their own rubber crops and other industries in natural resources. Garvey said, "If the oil of Afrika is good for Rockefeller's interest; if iron is good for Carnegie trust; then these minerals are good for us. Why should we allow wall street and the capitalist group of america and other countries exploit our country when they refuse to give us a fair chance in the countries of our adoption? Why should not Afrika give to the world its black Rockefeller, Rothschild, and Henry Ford?" This would've meant no Goodyear or US. Steel as we know it today, because it would have set a precedent that would have made all Afrikans aware of their land and mineral wealth. This would've smashed the financial arm of white supremacy! DuBois, along with Alain Locke -- the first black (Cecil) Rhodes scholar -- publicly defiled Garvey by calling him a "gorilla, dark, and dumb ass" any chance they got. Locke was quoted as saying, "We hope the white man deliver's cause we crushed a great black thing, but we know he'll deliver or our people will attack and plague us forever more." These two house negroes made a bet that YT would come out on top and give a certain percentage of these greedy negroes, namely Boule' members, the wealth they stole from Afrika. What's deep is they didn't believe in Afrikan self-reliance and preferred YT to give them table scraps instead of us making the whole pie!
Understand the Boule' represents the weakest element of Afrikan people. As Cokely put's it, "It took a type of nigger to form an organization like this. I mean, we just got our asses kicked during reconstruction, Afrika was divided before our very eyes (berlin conference), damn, this was 50 years before Rosa Parks!" The question is why were these black devils like this? The answer may lie in the fact that the Boule' is a GREEK organization. The name Boule' is a greek term, meaning "advisor's to the king". The question is, who is the king?! The king that they advise, or protect, are the white secret societies responsible for white supremacy: the first white greek fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa, the Illuminati, Rhodes/Rothschild secret society, Skull & Bones, the Masons, the Round Table Group, The New World Order, One World Government, the Carnegie, Mellon, Rhodes, Milner's Kindergarten, The Rhodes Crown, Times Crown, All Souls Group, Clevedine Sect, and numerous other wealthy family organizations (all are simply alias' and go by many names, but consist of same members and ideology). These white beasts have raped, murdered & colonized our people for hundreds of years and their children continue the genocide against people of color around the globe.
One of the problems we should have with the Boule' (and the offsprings of the Boule', the other 8 college frats and sororities) is that they falsely acknowledge the GREEKS as the founders of civilization. We of course know this is a lie. We know that the greeks got their knowledge from the Nile Valley (ancient Kemet and Ethiopia -- where the original Afrikan man and woman evolved), and they plagiarized (after killing us off and raping KMT, deemed themselves as the originators of the knowledge we gave them) our history and sought to erase the Afrikan presence of KMT. We know that Pythagoras did not create a theorem, but that he stole it from our ancient Afrikan mystery schools.
Who is the Boule'? They are the so-called "talented 10th" DuBois is famous for speaking of (it must also be noted that DuBois' boy, Locke, was a faggot. DuBois was also perceived to have homosexual tendencies). They are a mutation of a white man that seeks to represent something he is not (GREEK). They are "prominent" blacks white america gave to us. Collectively, all 4000+ members make up the wealthiest group of black men on the planet. -- and to think, none are working in the interest of black people; but, rather, gets a kick out of holding YT's penis as he pisses on people of color (the house nigga/field Afrikan theory ain't dead!)! As of 1994, there were 101 chapters in the world; yes the Boule' is in your town! Anywhere there are professional blacks, the Boule' coagulates. The amount of these men's wealth (including strong political and economic connections -- strong enuff to assist in killing Malcolm X and fellow Boule' member Martin Luther King!) cannot be matched by any other 3300+ blacks anywhere in the world!
Boule', again, meaning "advisor's to the king", is the lower house of greek parliament. Inside the Boule' history book -- written by Charles H. Wesley, a Boule' member, (also wrote the history books for Alpha Phi Alpha, the Elks, and Prince Hall Masons and founded Central State University in Ohio) wrote on page 28, why one of it's founding member's, Minton, who also owned the first black drugstore in the u.s., wanted to create such an organization:"Minton wanted to create an organization which would partake in the tenants (basis, or root) of Skull & Bones at Yale." Now who is Skull & Bones?? Skull & Bones' -- aka Brotherhood of Death, alias the 2nd chapter of the Illuminati, incorporated for business purposes as Russell Trust, was established in 1776 at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. Ironically, george bush and even vice president al gore are members of this cult. Now remember, the beast uses many different names to confuse you, but they all were based in the same ideology...upholding white supremacy. Most politicians, both black and white, are Masons. But there is a difference. Non-whites can only attain 33 degreez; and whites get 33 and 1/3rd. The root of Masonry is of the knowledge (33 1/3 degreez) sell-out moses gave YT when he came to "civilize" them from living as beasts up in the caucus(asian) mountains. They practiced homosexuality and killed and ate people, as rituals they may perform even today! They also pledged (through moses tricknology) in not letting you, the true GOD, the Afrikan wo/man, to never know that Jacob (Yakub), who was black, made them and that we are the originators of the arts and sciences (360 degreez of knowledge, not 33 1/3 which moses taught them).
Now! If Henry Minton, who was black, wanted to create a black secret society based on these beliefs and customs, what type of devil is he? If you were to look on page 38 of the Boule's history book, it also says,"In the building of the organizations plan, reliance was placed upon GREEK history and tradition. The reasons of this action are not difficult to discover, for it is well known that the study of greek civilization was basically an acquaintance with western civilization, although greek culture had relationships with the culture of the orient." What they're not saying is that the greeks didn't have a relationship, they stole their information from our ancestors in KMT! Clever how they chose not to even mention Afrika and settled for saying the "orient" which means east. In summation, every black greek and white greek fraternity and sorority manipulates the true history of where the Greeks learned what they know. This is why it don't make sense to be called a black GREEK! I should know, I pledged one, but have since denounced my membership with black greek organizations.
If you are familiar with Masonry, or secret societies, members took a pledge to never reveal the secrets of that organization, for if he did, his punishment would be death. This is why we it's difficult to get any of the Boule' member's to tell us what's up. Thanx, to an article written July 18th, 1990 of the LA Times and one published in the ,Washington Post, November 23, 1991, this secret society was exposed. Because people are beginning to find out about the history of the Boule', as well as their own \children lacking interest in continuing the mental and spiritual rape of Afrikan people, the Boule' publicly claims themselves as only a "social" organization. Fellow Boule' member -- and so-called, Afrocentric scholar -- whom I have the honor of exposing, asa hilliard, was confronted in Pittsburgh about his affiliation with the Boule' and he said,"we're just a group of people that throw banquets and picnics". This, from a negro who has written many books, performed countless lectures, and whose name has been mentioned in the same breath as John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Ben, and the like, should be exiled from the Afrikan diaspora like we did to the paleman back in KMT(IZ YT Human? or Mutant! - DGT Jan/Feb.'96) !!
Even Hank Aaron is in the Boule'!
They hold regional conferences every year and a national conference every 2 years. Each May, as a mandatory ritual, each member must read the Boule' history book from front to cover. So we know that each member has read pages 28 and 38 and know of the basis of their organization and it's false acceptance of the greeks being the founder's of civilization. What was interesting about the LA Times article was the association of the Boule' with Skull & Bones. "Like Yale's Skull & Bones secret society to which (then president) George Bush belongs, the Boule' has been criticized by some as a social anachronism, and has challenged members to change its image."
The 1990 incoming Boule' president, dr. benjamin major said he was aware of charges that the group is more interested in socializing and congratulating itself on its wealth and success, exclusively, rather than making a substantial contribution to the rest of black america. He said, "We don't want to appear as if we were the remaining above the problems of most black people. We know we didn't get here solely by the dint of our own hard work. We owe a lot of people, AND we have to give back to our brothers and sisters." The key thing he said is that he said they owe a lot of people and made this separate from them having to "give back to our brothers and sisters." Who do they owe for their success?? It's who they advise...the king!
Vernon Jordan, Clinton's main man(boy)!
Boule' member Vernon Jordan, who is also on the Trilateral Commission and Board of Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) -- which was started by cecil rhodes and lord rothschild, responsible for last phase of development of white supremacy) was quoted at a Boule' function as saying, "We, the talented 10th, are the best able and the only ones suitable to save the black race." This is the egotistical mentality of all members and can be traced back to its origin.
Understand that all black "leaders" white america gave us, actually had an allegiance with white supremacy. If you think about it, back in the early 1900s, we weren't even 40 years out of slavery. So the house negro/field Afrikan mentality was still in existence. Most Afrikans, of that time, had gone through much self-denial. The old cliche', "If you black, get back; if you brown, stick around; if you yellow, you're mellow; and if you white, you i-ight or right!", was rampant and most of our ancestors lost themselves through bleaching their skin, conking their hair, and speaking "civilized" in order to be seen different than a field niggah. We must also realize that most of our co-founders of black organization's were mulatto's (very light-skinned). These house negroes had already felt they were better than dark-skinned blacks. And went out of their way to prove to YT they were different. Because we were now "free", YT still needed to keep an eye on us. They needed an overseer. This is why around the same time as the founding of the Boule', we find the founding of the NAACP and the Urban League. These "black" organizations were co-founded by jewish spies who used DuBois as their scapegoat!! One must also note that NAACP co-founder, Joel Spingarn, a known beast who spied on the Afrikan community, was also very influential in the finding of the Boule'. A lot of us don't know this. These organizations were really a front. They were s'posed to defend the countless atrocities against black people; on the contrary, we found out the very whites we were complaining about, actually help find these organizations!! This makes a lot of sense now. I see why the NAACP doesn't even own the building national headquarters of located at. Think about it. With all the loot the NAACP gets annually, and they still have to pay rent for their building?! That's because they have to answer to someone (YT) who is their major fund raiser. While we were being lynched, raped, and murdered by YT, we thought these organizations would help us fight for justice; later to find out the person our "leaders" answer to is the very one with blood on his hands!! Can you see why we are in the shape we're in today Afrikans?! It is very evident. In the words of Cokely, "When we look at the Boule' closely, we find a confusion of values. Black men who felt that their advancement was edged upon a positive relationship with wealthy and influential white people. And I say that that may have an adverse impact on our revolution. Therefore, we give them (the Boule') today, this official warning...Our goal is not to kill off the Boule'; but to warn them as an organization. To warn the individual that if they bring false values, or worship a false idol, into the community at a time the community attempts to self-determinate (liberate ourselves), if we gave the call, they will come and grab you, we have every one of your addresses and phone numbers, we can get you, if we choose to. But we only choose to ask you to step aside and the day we got to get "massa", you find some way to be on vacation...To kill off the Boule' would be like eating the peel off a banana and ignoring the actual banana." In other words, in order to stop the puppet, you must stop the puppetteer.
We have a copy of the Boule' membership book and found some very interesting names. Along with the name's and chapter's, we have their address' and phone numbers. Out of the list we found members such as, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams - performed 1st open hear surgery; Ralph Bunch - former UN Ambassador; Arthur Ashe; Urban League President, Whitney Young; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Benjamin Mays; Carter G. Woodson (all who died never speaking of the Boule' and therefore taking the secrets of white supremacy with them); Maynard Jackson - ex-mayor of Atlanta; Baseball great Hank Aaron; Tom Bradley - tv personality; Dennis Archor - mayor of Detroit; Elvin Big 'E' Hayes; Bill Cosby; Jesse Jackson; Earl Graves; John H. Johnson; Douglass Wilder; ex-Steeler, Lynn Swann, and David Dinkins - ex-mayor of New York City, to name a few. Most Boule' members are of the "successful" group. As Cokely puts it, "Yes the Boule' is in your town!" Anywhere there are "prominent" professional blacks, chances are they're in the Boule'. Brutha Cokely is the God that should be given biggup's to. His tireless dedication and research has allowed the masses of Afrikan people to know the truth of which the Boule' has pledged to never let you know. We have the roster up to 1994 which includes 101 chapterz. It is now 1998, we haven't yet gotten the latest roster, but I'm sure thre are quite a few more. Next piece, we will elaborate on the symbolism behind their logo, their colors, the origin of college fraternities and sororities and the close relation to demonic masonry. Continue to seek knowledge and we shall find. LIK SHOT!!
ABOUT THE BOULE'..."Collectively, all 4000+ members make up the wealthiest group of black men on the planet -- and to think, none are working in the interest of Afrikan people; but, rather, gets a kick out of holding YTs penis as he pisses on people of color... M'BWEBE AJA ASHANGHI
Here it is - EVERYONE should keep this - it could save you - it WORKS, we have used it in court many times and if used properly it will back a raging dragon judge right back down in his chair docile....... believe me it is not easy to do that ..... "KNOW RIGHTS OR NO RIGHTS" William Mayhar
How to Respond to Contempt of Court, Judicial Attack
We cringe for people going into court, dealing with the "sons of vipers, offspring of serpents" in these outlaw courts today. So many people write to us and call us, as they are being rendered in the money machine every day, liquidated to the Funding Streams for the elite.
The rendering is in the PROCESS and most people do not have experience to understand or recognize corrupt process when they are in the middle of it. Attorneys do - they created it and don't let everyone in on the "secret" (wink wink) while you and your children are destroyed.
To help all the people in courts right now who are discovering Sui Juris process and going in without attorneys, they need to know what to say when the judge turns into a raging dragon because they dared to ask a question or try to make the record, and to help keep from being arrested. These tools in particular are used and shared with many thanks to our friends Milt and Darlene Mitcheck, who were the researchers behind the "Vultures" compilations that exposed the false judicial oaths in Oregon in September 2001, Research that can be also found at our website
If you know the right words, they back down right now - they may still have you arrested, but you have said the right words on the record to descredit him in his contemptuous acts against you, and you will use this record in any appeal or future hearings as you go. The main thing is you DISCREDIT HIM and IMPEACH HIM IN HIS OWN COURTROOM if you say the right things.
This can be used in any court in any setting, at any level, all the same basic process. I think in any country, with slight variations. Sui Juris process is simple and common law, as "any reasonable people would understand" and bridges all forms of courts or dealing with public authorities.
One of the main TOOLS they use to arrest you in a courtroom is "CONTEMPT OF COURT". Contempt is an instant six months in jail or a year sentence, potentially that is what you face. They use this for any or no reason, mainly for intimidation, and this is where they will (have already) use a stun belt or gun on a defendant who "irritates" the court asking for our rights.
When they do this to you, and it happens so fast it makes your head spin, if you have this written down, and can keep your wits about you enough to remember to say it, (you should practice it ! It is THAT important !) here is what you say:
"IS THAT CIVIL CONTEMPT OR CRIMINAL CONTEMPT JUDGE?" (You wait for a response on the record - do not talk until he answers and if they pause this LONG pause is on the record that he cannot answer you - the silence of a witness answering a question is an admission of truth in a court record and the longer the pause the better. All you want on the record is to make them COMMIT and then you go on, and now you have them caught in the permanent record)
If he says "CRIMINAL CONTEMPT" - you say "WHO MAKES THE CLAIM, WHAT IS THE CRIME AND WHO IS THE INJURED PARTY?" and wait again as long as it takes for him to say something.
NOW you have him acting CRIMINALLY OUTSIDE OF ANY LAWFUL JURISDICTION AND OUT OF IMMUNITY in his own courtroom on the record and heres why. In civil court, EVERYTHING is a CONTRACT and nothing can be done that is not a form of a contract. And ONLY HUMANS CAN LAWFULY CONTRACT. Every citation, money exchange, order, anything at all is an exchange - a contract - between two humans. The constitution is a contract with the Children of a Creator with Inherent Rights and the Constitutionally Sovereign People in the state, bonded by the JUDICIAL OATH - their contract.
Anyway, when you say to him "I don't agree to the terms of the contract" he KNOWS he does not have a contract with you and if you have committed no crime he has no authority to arrest you or even be conducting the hearing - he is OUT of his lawful jurisdiction and OUT of his IMMUNITY.
Now, if he says "CRIMINAL CONTEMPT", like one judge did to me, judge Robert Walberg, with no lawful oath by the way, he made a FOOL of himself ! He said "IF YOU ASK THAT AGAIN I AM HOLDING YOU IN CONTEMPT OF COURT" I said "IS THAT CRIMINAL OR CIVIL CONTEMPT WALBERG?" and he raged and said "CRIMINAL'.
I said "WHAT CRIME HAVE I COMMITTED AND WHO MAKES THE CLAIM? WHO IS THE INJURED PARTY?' He went nuts and started yelling "THE STATE OF OREGON", "THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM", "THE COURT"..... I said "YOU KNOW THAT ONLY A HUMAN CAN MAKE A CLAIM AND THERE IS NO CRIME AND NO INJURED PARTY - YOU KNOW THAT THE STATE OF OREGON CANNOT MAKE A CLAIM" he backed down and sat there red faced (he had already arrested me about three times for speaking before this contempt attempt) and it shut him down.
This was on the third day of the battle in his courtroom/sham jury trial last January - so after this confrontation backed him down he sat WAY BACK in his chair for three hours and let me make the record, while the jury waited in the back. MAKING THE RECORD WAS MY ONLY GOAL ANYWAY TO UPDATE THE RECORD IN OUR CASE. Unfortunately for us, the juries do not understand anything at all, and these confrontations scare them, so all the knowledge of court process and higher law goes right over their heads and they do EXACTLY what the judge LETS them do by the way he manipulates the instructions. This judge held his finger to his upper lip and looked like a cadaver for three hours, listening to the record of the crimes of our evidence against the state and his own treason as I outlined what has happened.
That is how you make the Record. You have to use another trick called "OFFER OF PROOF". When they fight you and attack you, and rage, and say you cant say anything in front of the jury, and the DA interrupt literally EVERY sentence to stop you from speaking for days (I have gone through this !)... you tell the judge "I AM GOING TO MAKE AN OFFER OF PROOF FOR MY APPEAL". He sometimes will go in the back room altogether and leave the record on, or he will sit way back and listen while you make the record of your facts without the jury present. Another trick process word is "OFFER INTO EVIDENCE" they will let you go around for days and be denied because you don't say it that way ..... they are insane, but if you do use their words they know that they have to acknowledge that this is their process and they use it so you have to be able to use it too.
Another important phrase to use is RUSH TO JUDGEMENT. After going around with them to a certain point and being blocked at all points, you say 'ARE YOU TRYING TO RUSH ME TO JUDGEMENT?" WOW - it works - boy they sit back so fast and shut up you would not believe - you would think they were shot - supposedly four times in a hearing saying that gets a reversal, but with us they don't give us anything, so I am not sure. But it is an important TOOL, you say this and it means they are preventing you from putting on your evidence as a lawful court and judicial due process requires, and for you to say this as they are doing it is like shooting them in their chair.
I hope people will write these things down in front of them when they are terrified in court - everyone is terrified in the court, even the attorneys, especially when you are bringing truth of this magnitude in there - we say where the truth meets the lie there is fallout - like a neutron bomb, you definitely stir up the hornest nest when you speak the truth in their courtrooms.
The rest of the Process for the People to Access the Courts is in the book we wrote. We learned these tools more recently and they are an "addition" to the information in the Sui Juris Book. This is what REALLY happens when you are in there, not what we think will happen or hope will happen. And learning these tools, you are prepared to meet this present evil face to face.
If you are not in court, save this information and pass it on to friends who need it ...
How to Respond to Contempt of Court, Judicial Attack
We cringe for people going into court, dealing with the "sons of vipers, offspring of serpents" in these outlaw courts today. So many people write to us and call us, as they are being rendered in the money machine every day, liquidated to the Funding Streams for the elite.
The rendering is in the PROCESS and most people do not have experience to understand or recognize corrupt process when they are in the middle of it. Attorneys do - they created it and don't let everyone in on the "secret" (wink wink) while you and your children are destroyed.
To help all the people in courts right now who are discovering Sui Juris process and going in without attorneys, they need to know what to say when the judge turns into a raging dragon because they dared to ask a question or try to make the record, and to help keep from being arrested. These tools in particular are used and shared with many thanks to our friends Milt and Darlene Mitcheck, who were the researchers behind the "Vultures" compilations that exposed the false judicial oaths in Oregon in September 2001, Research that can be also found at our website
If you know the right words, they back down right now - they may still have you arrested, but you have said the right words on the record to descredit him in his contemptuous acts against you, and you will use this record in any appeal or future hearings as you go. The main thing is you DISCREDIT HIM and IMPEACH HIM IN HIS OWN COURTROOM if you say the right things.
This can be used in any court in any setting, at any level, all the same basic process. I think in any country, with slight variations. Sui Juris process is simple and common law, as "any reasonable people would understand" and bridges all forms of courts or dealing with public authorities.
One of the main TOOLS they use to arrest you in a courtroom is "CONTEMPT OF COURT". Contempt is an instant six months in jail or a year sentence, potentially that is what you face. They use this for any or no reason, mainly for intimidation, and this is where they will (have already) use a stun belt or gun on a defendant who "irritates" the court asking for our rights.
When they do this to you, and it happens so fast it makes your head spin, if you have this written down, and can keep your wits about you enough to remember to say it, (you should practice it ! It is THAT important !) here is what you say:
"IS THAT CIVIL CONTEMPT OR CRIMINAL CONTEMPT JUDGE?" (You wait for a response on the record - do not talk until he answers and if they pause this LONG pause is on the record that he cannot answer you - the silence of a witness answering a question is an admission of truth in a court record and the longer the pause the better. All you want on the record is to make them COMMIT and then you go on, and now you have them caught in the permanent record)
If he says "CRIMINAL CONTEMPT" - you say "WHO MAKES THE CLAIM, WHAT IS THE CRIME AND WHO IS THE INJURED PARTY?" and wait again as long as it takes for him to say something.
NOW you have him acting CRIMINALLY OUTSIDE OF ANY LAWFUL JURISDICTION AND OUT OF IMMUNITY in his own courtroom on the record and heres why. In civil court, EVERYTHING is a CONTRACT and nothing can be done that is not a form of a contract. And ONLY HUMANS CAN LAWFULY CONTRACT. Every citation, money exchange, order, anything at all is an exchange - a contract - between two humans. The constitution is a contract with the Children of a Creator with Inherent Rights and the Constitutionally Sovereign People in the state, bonded by the JUDICIAL OATH - their contract.
Anyway, when you say to him "I don't agree to the terms of the contract" he KNOWS he does not have a contract with you and if you have committed no crime he has no authority to arrest you or even be conducting the hearing - he is OUT of his lawful jurisdiction and OUT of his IMMUNITY.
Now, if he says "CRIMINAL CONTEMPT", like one judge did to me, judge Robert Walberg, with no lawful oath by the way, he made a FOOL of himself ! He said "IF YOU ASK THAT AGAIN I AM HOLDING YOU IN CONTEMPT OF COURT" I said "IS THAT CRIMINAL OR CIVIL CONTEMPT WALBERG?" and he raged and said "CRIMINAL'.
I said "WHAT CRIME HAVE I COMMITTED AND WHO MAKES THE CLAIM? WHO IS THE INJURED PARTY?' He went nuts and started yelling "THE STATE OF OREGON", "THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM", "THE COURT"..... I said "YOU KNOW THAT ONLY A HUMAN CAN MAKE A CLAIM AND THERE IS NO CRIME AND NO INJURED PARTY - YOU KNOW THAT THE STATE OF OREGON CANNOT MAKE A CLAIM" he backed down and sat there red faced (he had already arrested me about three times for speaking before this contempt attempt) and it shut him down.
This was on the third day of the battle in his courtroom/sham jury trial last January - so after this confrontation backed him down he sat WAY BACK in his chair for three hours and let me make the record, while the jury waited in the back. MAKING THE RECORD WAS MY ONLY GOAL ANYWAY TO UPDATE THE RECORD IN OUR CASE. Unfortunately for us, the juries do not understand anything at all, and these confrontations scare them, so all the knowledge of court process and higher law goes right over their heads and they do EXACTLY what the judge LETS them do by the way he manipulates the instructions. This judge held his finger to his upper lip and looked like a cadaver for three hours, listening to the record of the crimes of our evidence against the state and his own treason as I outlined what has happened.
That is how you make the Record. You have to use another trick called "OFFER OF PROOF". When they fight you and attack you, and rage, and say you cant say anything in front of the jury, and the DA interrupt literally EVERY sentence to stop you from speaking for days (I have gone through this !)... you tell the judge "I AM GOING TO MAKE AN OFFER OF PROOF FOR MY APPEAL". He sometimes will go in the back room altogether and leave the record on, or he will sit way back and listen while you make the record of your facts without the jury present. Another trick process word is "OFFER INTO EVIDENCE" they will let you go around for days and be denied because you don't say it that way ..... they are insane, but if you do use their words they know that they have to acknowledge that this is their process and they use it so you have to be able to use it too.
Another important phrase to use is RUSH TO JUDGEMENT. After going around with them to a certain point and being blocked at all points, you say 'ARE YOU TRYING TO RUSH ME TO JUDGEMENT?" WOW - it works - boy they sit back so fast and shut up you would not believe - you would think they were shot - supposedly four times in a hearing saying that gets a reversal, but with us they don't give us anything, so I am not sure. But it is an important TOOL, you say this and it means they are preventing you from putting on your evidence as a lawful court and judicial due process requires, and for you to say this as they are doing it is like shooting them in their chair.
I hope people will write these things down in front of them when they are terrified in court - everyone is terrified in the court, even the attorneys, especially when you are bringing truth of this magnitude in there - we say where the truth meets the lie there is fallout - like a neutron bomb, you definitely stir up the hornest nest when you speak the truth in their courtrooms.
The rest of the Process for the People to Access the Courts is in the book we wrote. We learned these tools more recently and they are an "addition" to the information in the Sui Juris Book. This is what REALLY happens when you are in there, not what we think will happen or hope will happen. And learning these tools, you are prepared to meet this present evil face to face.
If you are not in court, save this information and pass it on to friends who need it ...
Saturday, October 1, 2011
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