Monday, July 2, 2012


I keep getting questions from people on how to become a sovereign. There are several ways of asserting that status, but this one is probably the simplest and only requires one or two forms to do that.

As the Declaration of Independence says, 'Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed'. What most people don't realize is that by getting a Birth Certificate, they signed away their sovereign rights they'd have in a Constitutional Republic, and signed up for corporate Democracy, and thus CONSENTED to be governed by STATUTES of a corporate State, instead of being protected by the laws of the Republic. 

In other words, the corporate UNITED STATES has CONTRACTED YOU with the Birth Certificate. By signing up for it, and then later on, KEEPING the BC, you're consenting to be governed by the corporate statutes. And that's why courts IGNORE our arguments claiming our constitutional rights and protection of laws of the Republic, since their computerized records show you as a consenting citizen of their corporate gov't. 

So UNTIL you change that, you can't claim sovereignty since you're consenting to their corporate rule. And as I've mentioned before, there are ways of ending that consent, like 'killing' the Birth Certificate, or acknowledging the BC. Here's one more method that should accomplish pretty much the same result, except you might 'have your cake and eat it too'. This affidavit is basically a declaration of your sovereignty, by asserting that you use the benefits of the corporate State ONLY under DURESS and under protest. If you don't officially object, you're using those corporate benefits VOLUNTARILY, so you have no valid defense against their statutes. 

Basically what it is, is a COUNTEROFFER. They contracted you with the BC, and since you've accepted it without objections, you're subject to ALL their rules. This affidavit RESTRUCTURES the BC contract on your terms.
If they don't object to it, it becomes a VALID AMENDMENT to your BC, which gives you certain sovereign powers that no other corporate US citizens have, without completely cancelling the BC. Of course they could still respond by cancelling your BC, but they're not very likely to do that. 

And I think people SHOULD send copies to gov't officials like the Secr. of State, the DMV, etc., because you've got to notify the other party, if you want to change the terms of an agreement. Also, I suggest that everyone who wants to be free fills out and carries the Declaration of Domicil, since that means you're an inhabitant of LAND of the Republic, rather than being a resident of a corporate State.

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