Monday, July 2, 2012


The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate.

Fore credit card problems have request the bank to provide me with three things:

1. Validation of the debt (the actual accounting);

2. Verification of their claim against me (a sworn affidavit or even just a signed invoice); and,

3. A copy of the contract binding both parties. I was to write that I would be happy to pay any financial obligation I might lawfully owe as soon as I
received these three documents.

The banks can’t validate the debt because they never sustained a loss; they can’t verify any claim against
me because I am not the NAME they are billing – more on this later. They can’t produce a copy of the contract because one doesn’t exist. What exists is an unenforceable unilateral contract. What the banks refer to as ‘your contract with us’ is not a valid bilateral agreement since the four requirements of a lawful, binding contract were not met on the credit card ‘application’, namely:

1. Full Disclosure (we are not told that we are creating the credit with our signature);

2. Equal Consideration (they bring nothing to the table, hence they have nothing to lose);

3. Lawful Terms and Conditions (they are based upon fraud); and 
4. Signatures of the Parties/ Meeting of the Minds (corporations can’t sign because they have no right, or mind, to contract as they are legal fictions). Credit cards are win/ win for the banks and lose/ lose for everyone else – it is the slickest con game on the planet.

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