Tuesday, August 9, 2011


  You were born free and sovereign. That is called your LEGAL STATUS. Then you moved from SOVEREIGN LEGAL STATUS to ALL CONTRACTUAL by entering into a series of contracts. This started with your well-intentioned parents’ inadvertent recording of your birth certificate with the government. Most people are not aware of it but no law requires that! The voluntary and never denied aspects of your STATUS is what clinches the government’s nonexistent claim over your entire life and person, as will be explained as we proceed. Then you signed an application for a Social Security Number (no law requires that). Then you signed an application for a driver’s license (no law requires that). Then you signed an application for voter registration (no law requires that). Then you signed an application for a marriage license (no law requires that unless you wish to intermarry, marry a person of a different race than yourself). Then you signed a license to engage in your business or occupation (no law requires that) Then you signed a 1040 form and filed it with the IRS (no law requires that). Then you signed an application for a permit to build a house, enter into business, collect rents, or whatever else you were asked to do (no law requires any of that). All of the above acts were voluntary on your part and fraudulent on the state’s part. That is because you were not fully informed of their implications, so you can avoid them all if you know the rules of the game!!!
“Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.”
Thomas Jefferson Now when I state that “No law requires that” I specifically mean that no law which applies to you requires that. All laws apply to corporate beings but you can rebut the presumption that you are a corporate being.
Because they have created a corporate entity known as our STRAW MAN, e.g. JOHN HENRY DOE, the presumption of government and the courts is that we are juristic, corporate beings and not living breathing souls but that is a rebuttable presumption.  Rebuttable presumption. In the law of evidence, a presumption which may be rebutted by evidence. Otherwise called a “disputable” presumption. A species of legal presumption which holds good until evidence contrary to it is introduced. Black’s Law Dictionary 6th edition, page 1267  

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