Friday, August 12, 2011



“Marriage license. A license or permission granted by public authority to persons who intend to intermarry …”
Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Edition, page 973

Did you get that? If you wish to marry a person of another race, you need a state issued marriage license. Otherwise, under law, you do not.


The marriage license is a state TRAP! When you marry anyone with a state issued marriage license, the state becomes a third party to the marriage and, since the state issued the license, gave permission for the marriage, it has the highest interest in, and control over, the marriage and any offspring. When you get a marriage license from the state, you become slaves to Old Master who gave you permission to marry. On the old plantation, when two slaves were given permission to marry, whose children were the offspring? They did not belong to the slaves, they were the property of Old Master and it is that way today. That is why Social Services can take ‘your’ children away from you if they even think , or someone reports, that you are not treating them in a proper manner. They are not your children, they belong to Old Master. You do not need a marriage license to get married. It is your God given right to marry. The state cannot take away your God-given rights but you can voluntarily give them up by applying for and obtaining a state marriage license, driver’s license, business license or any other state issued license. With a state marriage license you cannot be joined in Holy Matrimony you can only be ‘married’ in a church. Do you suppose that has anything to do with the alarming divorce rate in America today? However, the state is looking for CONTROL. So, in the case of marriage, they very cleverly set things up so that most churches cannot marry a couple without a state marriage license. How did they do that? All Churches and ministries are exempt from taxation and money given to them is deductible from income taxes, if one is ignorant enough or timid enough to still be paying such extortion to the IRS. See MYTH SIX. The IRS even acknowledges that fact in Section 508(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code which says that churches and ministries are mandatorially exempt.

After receiving the information of live birth and other particulars for the birth certificate accompanied by the assigned social security number, the state claims an interest in every child within its jurisdiction. The state will, if it deems it necessary, nullify your parental rights and appoint a guardian (trustee, foster parent) over what you thought were your children. The subject of every birth certificate is a child. The child is a valuable asset that, if properly trained, can contribute valuable assets provided by its labor for many years. It is presumed by those who have researched this issue, that the child itself is the asset of the trust established by the birth certificate, and the social security number is the numbering registration of the trust, allowing for the trust’s assets to be tracked so our children are owned by the state. Each one of us, including our children, is considered an asset of the bankrupt United States (corporation). We are now designated by this government as “human resources,” born in a delivery room, delivered to the state of birth by way of the birth certificate for which our informer (our Mother) provides the requested information including the name and social security (or tracking) number wherewith this bankrupt government is supplied with a new crop of collateral born each year. After being born free men and women, our parents inadvertently turn us over to the State by recording a birth certificate with the county in which we were born. We are then ‘chattel’ and our lifetime production is to be used against the bankruptcy of the incorporated municipal UNITED STATES. The certificate is sent to the Department of Commerce, where the government keeps track of its property, and is credited to the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank which is not federal, has no reserves and is not a bank but is privately owned by 12 unimaginably wealthy families. 

 Your birth certificate is valued at $1 million, which is what the government has
decided, on average, each individual will ‘produce’ during their lifetime and is used by the government as collateral to borrow money for various purposes. The birth certificate, in effect, says to the government “Oh Master, sir, here’s another slave for you to work on your plantation”. The parents, being slaves themselves, do not own the children, the government (Old Master) owns them for it was he who gave the parents permission to marry (marriage license) and, if the parents do not take care of his children and treat them properly, the state Social Services will take them away and place them elsewhere wherever they wish - - foster homes, etc..


There is no law which says a birth certificate must be made out at all. The birth of a child was traditionally recorded in the family Bible and that was that. If that is done, and many are doing so as this knowledge spreads, there is no obligation for the person to perform for the government in any way. One can make out a Certificate of Birth for the newborn, can even use the state’s form, just do not file it with the county if you wish your children to remain free men and women.


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