Friday, August 12, 2011

UCC 1-207 (NOW UCC-1-308) EXPLAINED!

If you are confronted with explaining what the "UCC 1-207/1-308" does here is
your answer.

When you are going to sign a contract ( drivers license, lease, buying a
automobile, snowmobile, a building permit, marriage license, divorce decree,
or any other document).

BEFORE you sign!!! you have the right to draw a fine line through any
thing that is not to your liking. It can be a number, a letter, a word or a
group of words. At this time you can add any thing you want in the contract.
Any changes you have made sign your name close to it and date it. A contract
is to have all of the contract in full disclosure at the time of signing. If
not the UCC 1-207 will stop you from giving up your rights on the contract
you are about to sign and void out any part of the contract that you have
not had the opportunity to view.

Now how the UCC 1-207 works.

After you put UCC 1-207 where your signature is going to be. " your
signature" is the last you thing you put on the document. When you pick up
your pen from the signed contract it is consummated, you have given up your
right to change the contract.

UCC 207-1: Fact or Fiction???<<<<

It CAN be used to reserve rights to get out of a contract AT THE TIME OF SIGNING of such contract should invisible aspects of said contract become apparent at a later date or letters of a contract were not advised when you entered the contract.

Can it be used to reserve rights at the time of signing a drivers license? YES, but the State will do everything in their power to stop you from signing the license this way. Besides, when you get in front of the judge he will ask you what it means and you damn well better know or you are toast.

Any contract that is entered into by one party because of a deception of part of the other party, the contract is illegitamate. This would include but not be limited to licensing , titles on property or property tax.

1 comment:

  1. this is contract law. not for safety violations or traffic violations. Don't be stupid.
